While it was obvious that I wasn't sticking to a strict schedule, it was my intention to update at least once a month. But last month I failed to update and for that I apologize. I've also been thinking about the nature of this blog and I've realized that it isn't quite as efficient as I thought. So I'll post a list of what I've found but haven't posted as well as the other list given to me by bouncer44. This doesn't mean I'll stop making individual posts for each character, but I figure if I've found something you shouldn't have to wait on my erratic scheduling to see it yourself. As always, any contributions are appreciated.
Black Scorpion - Angel of Love [You can sorta see it in this clip, but I was looking for a different scene]
Hercules/Xena - Aphrodite [I'm trying to find the episode the scene (3:15) is from]
Bobobo - Love/Torpedo Girl [I had a scan of the former on my harddrive that I went through hell to get... unfortunately that harddrive is dead now. The latter I could probably find easily, but it's not that great]
Castlevania - Succubus, Lilith, Egyptian, Laura [I want to do an all in one update for Castlevania (with Carmilla's addition in the upcoming Wii Fighter, Judgement, I want to see what her special attack is first), plus I've never seen the scene where a fake Annette drains your special attacks with a kiss]
Final Fantasy - Nymph (IX), Lamia (III/IV remakes) [I tried to replay FFIX to get a clip of the Nymph, but it hasn't aged well and I lack the patience. And I haven't seen any Lamia videos for the DS remakes for FFIII and IV]
The All Star Kakutou - Daibijin [I'm surprised I haven't posted this yet. You can see it in this clip (around 0:45)]
Rakugaki Showtime - Two girls [Err... I've been meaning to upload this clip for a LONG time, but I still don't have it. It's pretty unimpressive but that's no excuse.]
Onmyou Taisenki - Episode 17; Horin [I actually have this clip already prepared, but I think I was waiting for some other clips since this isn't really an "adverse effect" (in fact it heals). So I was going to group it with Sudeki and Super Mario RPG, and I don't have those two clips yet.]
Sudeki [See Above]
Carranger episode 41 and 43 [I'm not too sure what this is about, but I've seen it mentioned in a wikipedia article and have searched for it ever since.]
Tales of the World Narikiri Dungeon 3 [I probably should have saved this earlier, because I can't find it now...]
Batman Forever - Sugar [meh
Eternal Champions - Riptide [A fatality, seen here (4:52)]
Guilty Gear - I-no [It's her crouching punch attack, and it happens so fast that I figure a video wouldn't do it justice unless I slowed it down. SO, I figured I'd look for a gif but one has yet to be made (to my knowledge)
Ghost Rider - Succubus [I had this comic on my harddrive before it crashed. I'll have to find it again.]
bouncer44's list:
Beast master
Character: Nadeea
Episode: 53 (season 3)
Character: Curupira
Power: DRAIN
Episode: 7 (season 1)
The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo
Character: Nicara
Power: DRAIN
Episode: 7
Danny phantom
Character: Kitty
Episode: 40 (season 3)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character: Ampada
Power: DRAIN
Episode: 16 (season 2)
Speed grapher
Character: Kagura Tennouzu
Episode: 1, and maybe 2
Dark Queen
Character: Helen / Cassandra
The Invisible Man (2000 TV series)
Character: Allianora
Episode: 16 and 19
Big Wolf on Campus
Character: Rebecca 'Becky' Dingle
Power: DRAIN
Episode: 14 (season 1)
Samurai Champloo
Character: Girl with broken shoes
Episode: 2
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Character: Diana Stride
Episode: 36 (SEASON 2)
Superman (Secret Origins of Super-Villains)comic
Character: La Encantadora
I've found everything except:
- La Encantadora (I've found little about this, though I suppose I could look harder
- Curupira (I've seen screenshots of her from the show, but no clips. I only luckily found the other BeastMaster clip (which reminds me, I should probably save it before youtube deletes it)
- Allianora (I found this episode on youtube a couple of months ago but I'm not sure if it's still there)
- Helen/Cassandra (I'm guessing this is it? Though it looks like her eyes are used to hypnotize him.)
EDIT: Hmm, I'm having trouble getting the Superman and Buffy clip too.
bouncer44 also mentioned Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo Episode 6, and Ikkitousen Great Guardians Episode 10, which I've also found.
Also, rico posted that Minotaur clip though I'm looking more into the context before I post it. You can see it here
Everything that's listed but not yet posted will be up shortly, but if you want to watch them now you can use Truveo to search for them and see them yourself. As for comic/manga scans... you're on your own.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Posted by
6:53 PM
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thanks for the shout out man, if you need anymore help posting i can help i can even take over when your busy just let me know here's my e-mail again
bouncer44s@yahoo.com also i wanted to know if you could help me with my site just posting a comment will help here's the site
. please tell me what you think and tell your friends
You know, if your hard drive crashed, there are some computer stores that will do harddrive recoveries. Maybe you can get your stuff recovered =3
e-mailed you the Dark Queen clip you mentioned. It's not the one you linked to.
http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pic-32101.html hey check out "trystalk" and the venom kisses 3 pic series. Pretty juicy pics.
Not really a special ability, but I guess it could be "confusion" based on the subs.
you're kidding me, right? the ability is obviously intended by the author and implied in the sequence of pictures.
So are you for or against the link I provided? I'm confused.
oh haha. i thought the text under the link was a response to the hentai foundry...
as for the link, i think that's DEFINITELY prime material for livinlore! nice find.
Looking at it, I can see how you missed the link. Sorry for the confusion.
Edit: No pun intended.
Hi. This is i-no gif http://www.fightersgeneration.com/characters2/inokisses.gif.
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