Name: Shiki
Series: Samurai Showdown 64
Kiss Effect: Poison
Contact Method: Direct
I once posted about Shiki in SVC: Chaos, but here she is her debut project.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Samurai Showdown 64
Posted by
12:50 PM
Labels: direct, poison, video game
Castlevania (WIP)
Name: Laura
Series: Castlevania
Kiss Effect: Drain
Contact Method: Direct
It was my intention to create one big Castlevania post with all the Castlevania characters, but... I figured I would take tiny steps rather than great strides.
1st up Laura, as she appears in Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles. She first appeared in Rondo of Blood (the game DXC is based on) and later appears in Portrait of Ruin, along with every female villain in the Castlevania series. Unlike other characters posted on this blog she doesn't train vitality but the energy necessary for using sub-weapons, represented by hearts.
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Posted by
12:22 PM
Labels: direct, drain, video game
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Black Scorpion Episode 16
Name: Angel of Death (Angela Archer)
Series: Black Scorpion
Kiss Effect: Death
Contact Method: Direct
Download Scene
In a city where any idiot can don a mask and become a vigilante, one woman does just that for reasons I didn't care enough to learn. Using lipstick coated in poison, she deals death to evildoers with a sloppy kiss, though how the poison doesn't kill her is a mystery.
The sound effect really kills this for me.
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Posted by
10:17 AM
Labels: death, direct, live action
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Bible Black: New Testament Episode 6
Name: ? (I don't think it was ever stated)
Series: Bible Black: New Testament
Kiss Effect: Knock Out
Contact Method: Direct
Download Scene
A nameless grunt takes down a bald headed investigator with a kiss. Or at least I think that's what happens, there's some magic force field that seems to weigh the guy down as well so that could be it. In the end, this is just a desperate contribution to make up for the lack of updates in the past few weeks.
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Posted by
11:34 AM
Needless Episode 8
Name: Kurumi
Series: Needless
Kiss Effect: Enslavement
Contact Method: Direct
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The description contains SPOILERS from beyond this episode.
It's been awhile since we've had a hypnotic kiss but I must say I was disappointed with this one. The scene fades out just before things get interesting and you don't even see the result until much later (in the manga at least, the anime hasn't gotten there yet). The manga's portrayal of this scene is slightly better but still not as satisfying as I hoped.
And considering she dies shortly after revealing her new pawn it's not like there's a promise of seeing her use this ability again in the future.
Manga Scans:
One, Two, Three.
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Posted by
10:17 AM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Batman Arkham Asylum
Name: Poison Ivy
Series: Batman
Kiss Effect: Death
Contact Method: Direct
12:44 A.M. update: <-- this stream seems to be before the Ivy battle, but I'm not sure how much later this person will play.
Oh and thanks to ricobanderas9 for "persuading" the other chatters on the stream to direct him to the other streams.
Aug. 23, 7:40 P.M. update: This stream is live again so let's see what happens.
So you may be wondering why Poison Ivy gets yet another entry in the blog. I feel she deserves it for one, but this is posts purpose is more to show that I'm still alive and that I will continue to update the blog.
You may also be wondering why I haven't posted a video of her using her fatal kiss and that's because, I'm not sure it's even in the game. I hope Rocksteady wouldn't omit it and IF it were to be in the game it would probably be as one of the many "game over" sequences you get when losing in this game (some of the others, especially those featuring the Joker, are hilarious so I recommend you watch them as well.)
There is hope:
As of this posting, this livestream should be a couple of hours before the fight with Ivy (assuming he decides to play again tonight) and he's playing on the hard difficulty so it's likely that he may lose. While I feel a little bad rooting against him, I'm sure we can all agree that it's worth it.
Once the footage is captured I'll post it here as well, so those who miss the stream will still be able to see it.
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Posted by
3:11 PM
Labels: death, direct, video game
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Ar Tonelico
Name: ?
Series: Ar Tonelico
Kiss Effect: Lowers Defense
Contact Method: Indirect
Yet another Gust 2d RPG, this one focuses on maidens whose magical songs aid the combatants sworn to protect them. However, when the warriors face off against a group of school girls inspired by ToHeart characters they can't help but fall into their "Tempting Dream World."
Yeah, I'm getting desperate.
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Posted by
10:25 AM
Labels: indirect, other, video game
Atelier Iris
Name: Underground Queen
Series: Atelier Iris
Kiss Effect: Drain
Contact Method: Direct
A secret battle in one of the Atelier Iris games (I can't recall which). The Underground Queen is supported by 2 "Mahou Shoujos" and is armed with a "Hot Kiss" which saps its victims HP.
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Posted by
10:18 AM
Labels: direct, drain, video game
Akikan Episode 11
Name: Miku
Series: Akikan
Kiss Effect: Drain\Enslavement
Contact Method: Direct
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Download Scene 2
(So sorry for the delay)
You've got to love Japan sometimes. Who else would come up with a premise revolving around magical cans who, when drank from, transform into women who fight with powers inspired by their fruity flavors? This particular Akikan has the power to absorb other Akikan by drinking from their lips. Once their powers are hers she can summon them again as her personal doll.
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Friday, June 26, 2009
So it's plainly obvious that relying on me to find something and post it on a regular schedule is foolish. So you all thought it would be better if a forum was created so that a group of people can provide content more regularly. Long story short, I created one:
Link to Forum
As of this moment I posted topics to all the blog posts with working links (another problem I'll have to attend). As for the reason it took so long to set up, I had originally wanted to post videos and images on the forum itself without linking to the blog but I couldn't find a video sharing site that wouldn't remove my videos for copyright or whatever other reasons.
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Posted by
12:26 AM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
Name: Saya
Series: Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
Kiss Effect: Damage (Poison?)
Contact Method: Indirect
This catgirl previously appeared in Namco X Capcom with a similar attack. It made more sense there as the animation of her blowing the kiss was timed with the attack but it's nice to see it return.
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Posted by
7:40 AM
Labels: damage, indirect, video game
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Shangri-la Episode 1
Name: Momoko
Series: Shangri-la
Kiss Effect: Knock Out
Contact Method: Direct
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This lovable little tranny comes from GONZO's latest collaboration with character design Range Murata. Despite her character being highly stereotypical, it plays to our advantage in this one scene where she takes out a handful of guards with her lips.
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Posted by
1:19 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Queen's Blade Episode 6
Name: Airi
Series: Queen's Blade
Kiss Effect: Drain
Contact Method: Direct
Download Scene
Hi, it's been awhile.
Today's featured character is Airi, from the new anime "Queen's Blade." This series focues on a group of women battling it out to become the queen of the world. Airi is called the Maid Temptress and is actually a ghost whose body (and clothes) are nothing more than an illusion. The only way to remain in physical form is to devour the life energy of other creatures, rendered beautifully by a kiss.
There's also another fighter in Queen's Blade with a kiss in her aresenal. The current Queen Aldra, though I'm not too sure WHAT her kiss does. Still I included her puckered pose from her battle book below and will update with a video should she use this move in the anime.
Once again, I don't believe I can apologize enough for the delay, but with the semester over I hope I'll have enough time to at least upload EVERYTHING I've found thus far (which is quite a bit). We'll see, I wouldn't put much faith in me.
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Posted by
7:47 PM
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
Name: Chucklissa, Oholina, Hoohoolia and Teeheena (Thank you Quang)
Series: Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
Kiss Effect: Damage/Poison
Contact Method: Direct
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Posted by
1:42 PM
Labels: damage, direct, poison, video game
Negima!? Episode 23 and Chapter 234
Name:Anya\Evangeline and Shiori
Series: Negima
Kiss Effect: Enslavement and Drain\Trait Steal
Contact Method: Direct (for both)
Download Scene
There are plenty of kisses shared in the Negima series. Most of these are done to make contracts with the series lead character, Negi Springfield, but occasionally a villainess or two pops up to negotiate a more sinister contract. In the anime series, Negima!? (or Negima 2, in the U.S.), psycho bitch Anya takes a hold of Evangeline's body and with it makes Asuna her slave.
As if Asuna wasn't playing the victim enough, she finds herself falling before the lips of Shiori in chapter 234 of the Negima manga (not Negima Neo).
And just a note to myself: I remember another series where two women had to share kisses constantly for some reason. I think the name was Kyoshrio to Sora something...
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Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo
Name: Louise and ? (I'll look it up later)
Series: Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo
Kiss Effect: Enslavement
Contact Method: Direct
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So a woman named Montmorency creates a love potion that accidentally falls into the wrong hands resulting in sexy chaos. It doesn't help that the potions effects can be transferred through a kiss.
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Posted by
11:59 AM
Tower of Etruria Episode 2
Name: ?
Series: Tower of Etruria
Kiss Effect: Possess
Contact Method: Direct
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This reminds me of that Aoi and Mutsuki clip, which should be viewable again by the time you read this. I suppose this woman is a succubus, as she was draining a man's life shortly before appearing before the heroine.
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Posted by
11:34 AM
Labels: anime, direct, possession
Super Robot Wars MX
Name: AI1
Series: Super Robot Wars MX
Kiss Effect: Damage\Teleport
Contact Method: Direct
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Having never played any of the Super Robot Wars games, I decided to research just who this character is. Unfortunately, the story lines are so convoluted that I gave up soon after starting. What I did find out was that the AI1 is some kind of Artificial Intelligence Unit that this woman either helped build or stole or something. Regardless, she pulls you inside it and sends you out (into greater danger) with a kiss.
This video reminds me of another character with a kiss that sends people eleswhere, from an anime called Darker Than Black. i think it's from episode 20, I'll have to look into it.
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Posted by
11:02 AM
Labels: damage, direct, video game
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Zettai Karen Children Episode 28
Name: Fujiko Tsubomi
Series: Zettai Karen Children
Kiss Effect: Drain
Contact Method: Direct
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Download Scene
She's described as an energy vampire, and if the clip is any indication she treats each kiss as a meal. Not much else to say about this one.
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Posted by
7:45 AM